MFO@Mapster has taken several standard maps and converted them to a "Double TC" format. Arabia, Highland, Coastal, Black Forest, Mediterranean and Yucatan are each available with 2 TCs per player, with the usual number of starting villagers at each TC. This feature makes the startup very fast and different from the usual set start. Each of these maps has the same basic geography as its namesake, but there is a bit more water patches on this version of Yucatan, and Mediterranean can have a more irregular coastline a little like Baltic (these changes are due to the way the program places the extra player land). On these maps we have changed the starting food slightly, because the usual program instructions give a set number of resources per player, which the map generator interprets as "per starting TC". We cut this amount of food slightly "per player", which in reality still gives more total starting food resources since there are double the usual number of starting TCs on the map. With two TCs and double the number of usual starting villagers, there are a couple of cautions. First, Chinese(and to a lesser extent Mayans) may have an unfair advantage since their villager bonus is doubled. Second, the action can be fast and furious from the start trying to manage 2 TCs, and the start of warfare can be sooner than on the standard map scripts. We have also made a Triple Arabia map with 3 TCs per player if you are interested in trying this! See other posts in this area! Note that the base map for each of these is from our MFO@Random series, and each has 18 different terrain patterns with accompanying changes in fauna, but these all have no snow terrain. We recommend playing these scripts at or above the usual map size to prevent overcrowding since there are double the starting number of TCs. Feedback appreciated!