The Moors is one of the last MFO@Mapster maps for AOKTC. This map script tries to capture the feel of the highland moors of northern Britain. The script includes players divided by teams by a river and a centrally located loch. The sides are connected by wide shallows. Elevation is used to simulate a high plateau region, which is dotted with small forests and small areas of water or marsh. There are 2 lowland marsh areas in 2 corners of the map that each have an extra relic and possibly a little stone(randomly chosen opposite corners). There are 2 islands located in the center of the loch with a little extra stone. Resources are otherwise standard except that the loch is very well stocked with salmon and there are an extra few sheep per player (this IS the highlands of Scotland and Northern England, you know). Gameplay can vary greatly in this game - there is an element of the Highlands map with the shallows connecting teams, but there is a much greater need for naval action. Walling the shallows is an option to buy a little time. The corner areas may be well protected areas for extra fishing or resource gathering. For a very different type of gameplay, consider the other script offered here - The Moors-goldless.rms. This map has no gold and is a fun alternative type of game for teams, encouraging trading and better teamwork. Try out these new maps now! Feedback appreciated! See post here for screenshot: [url][/url]